How to Make a Career Change in MidLife after Recognizing 7 Signs
posted:4 years agobyMarry JoJoin Career Development
Are you Changing Career in Midlife? Before taking any final decision, it’s good to know whether you are actually ready for career shift or not. I’m going to share details of some signs which make your mind about career change in midlife. Last but not the least, this post will share essential steps to follow for making this change in your career simply perfect.
Are you Ready to Make a Change in Career?
You might or might not have asked this question to yourself. A truthful answer to this question will allow to start working on this shift as soon as possible.
Don’t Think About You Age at All
Normally, a person at the age of 35-40 years start wondering about his career choice. Because at this age, you are mature enough to analyze your choice at its best. Some people make this change at their 40s while others even go for career shifts in their 50s.
Fact is that there is no proper age to make a change in your career. If you think that you are not ready to make a change just because you are old, then you are wrong. It’s never too late to make some easy career changes that pay well or feel better about your job.
The most difficult part of making a career change is to convince yourself that you are ready for this change. Remaining steps toward your new career are simple and straightforward.
Always pay Attention to 7 Warning Signs of Career Change
SIGN No. 1 You Don’t Like Your Job at ALL
If that is the case then clearly you need to do a job you like. If you are hesitant to quit this job just because you get paycheck from it then there are many other jobs in Pakistan ;which can offer the same. All you need to do is find the best PK jobs.
SIGN No. 2 You are Tired
If your job keeps you engaged all the time and increasing your stress then instead of sticking with it, better look around.
SIGN No. 3 Your Job is Boring
One of the main reasons for changing career in midlife is to feel bored at job.You feel like the work you are doing is taking you nowhere and there is nothing new it. One way to find a solution of this problem is to ask your manager to redesign your job with either job rotation or job enrichment concept.
SIGN No. 4 You always complain about your job
There are many different reasons of complaint. For example, you have tried your best but unable to perform well on the job. It might be so challenging for you or require a lot of mind and physical effort.Complaining one or two time is okay but if it is a constant element of your job routine then paint a new picture.
SIGN No. 5 When you Don’t want to go to your Job every Other day
After a fun-filled weekend, many of us don’t like to get back to work. It happens sometimes. But when it is a situation you feel every other day then you need to think about your job change or career change.
SIGN No.6 Feeling Under Stress
Some days on work are relaxing while others bring a lot of work stress. It is a common phenomenon. But when you always have stress on your plate associated to your job. Probably, it is the right time to make career changes in midlife.
Check: Motivational job quotes for Job Seekers
SIGN No.7 No Career Accomplishment or Advancement
There are some kinds of jobs which make you feel less accomplished. When you compare yourself with your friends then you think that all those years you achieved nothing. It’s all because your job has no scope or advancement.
We all want to achieve big and better , so when we don’t get that opportunity then we feel dissatisfied. Here is how you can attain job satisfaction. If that doesn’t work then definitely you have to go for a change of Career in Pakistan.
How to Make Career Shifts? Follow 5 Steps
Here are 5 easy steps for changing career in midlife.
Step No.1 Make Your Mind About It
First step is to make your mind for a change of Careers in Pakistan. You must know what is involved in this process. It is a big decision which involves:
Quitting your existing job
no monthly pay-check for sometime
Taking classes
Going for new career job training
Lending money to pay your monthly expenses until you get a new job
Taking a start from an entry-level job like becoming an entry level web developer or designer
In simple words, you are going to build your new career from scratch. All this requires a lot of courage and understanding of every single step involved in career shift process.
Understand your situation well, before you move to Second step of changing career in Midlife.
Step No. 2 Start Exploring Your Career Options
Many people say that often I DONT Know What CAREER I WANT, if it is the case then you need to follow my guide about picking a dream job.
It involves:
Assess your strength, skills and talent
Exploring alternative career options
Getting help from a Career Counselor
Asking for recommendations from your friends and family
After getting all possible options, you need to evaluate and analyze them. Try to make best midlife career changes that brings some fun and money side by side into your life.
Step No.3 Pursue New Career
Once you are done with evaluation. It’s time to do job shadowing and put yourself in other 's shoes. The main idea is to know all the pros and cons of a job. I recommend you shortlist three best careers and then do job shadowing for all three. In this way, it becomes easy for you to select the best career change of your life in midlife.
Step No.4 Learn and Get Experience
Decided about a new job in Pakistan for which you are going to apply? The most important thing is to learn all about that job by taking classes and required job training. Even go with internship.
Step No. 5 Start Searching for Job
As you are making a career change with no experience therefore try to create a CV by adding some job relevant interests and skills. Write a job summary on resume which is not only catchy but also help you get a job in Pakistan.