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  • Should I go for a Job-Sharing Option?

Should I go for a Job-Sharing Option?

Sharing is caring. You can share expenses with your roommate. You can also communicate with your business partner the allocated budget to launch a project. Now, what about jobs? Is it possible to share my career with someone else? Let’s check it out.

What is Job sharing?

what is job sharing

Job sharing is dividing your full-time job into two part-time jobs. It is a flexible work arrangement between two employees. But, is it possible to share a job? Do companies allow that? Employers may agree with this technique, especially when there is a shortage of the required experts. For example, when a professional is pursuing advanced studies, he will not attend a full-time job. That’s why he requests to keep the job but share it with another person. There are many reasons for a job-sharing arrangement. Whatever the purpose, employees should meet the requirements and the deadline and provide a similar productivity level.

Job sharing can also be a solution for people who are following medical procedures. Instead of taking multiple leaves, this employee may request a job share for a less stressful routine. Remember that a job share is not merely a part-time job. For example, you can get your full-salary by working half the Schedule because you have shared your job with a volunteer or a trainee.

How to Share your Job?

Sharing your work might be a tough decision. Some jobs are based on confidential operations, where employers make more than a job interview to select the best applicants. That’s why sharing a job is not open to every employee in every field. But, if this option is available in your company or workplace, here is what you should do;

1.Inform your Employer:

First of all, you need to announce this to your Employer. Get your Employer’s consent by sending him a letter to explain your intention to share your job with another professional. You can reveal your reason why you want to reduce your working hours. When you communicate this request to your Employer, you can attend a meeting to discuss your Employer, salary, holidays, and perks under the new work situation. Take a look at; Understand The Types of Employment Contracts in UK

2. Search for the Best Partner:

When there is a job sharing option in your field, employers will ask you about the perfect candidate to connect, collaborate, and complete the whole tasks. Your partner should be someone who has the same skills and expertise as yours. There will also be additional arrangements regarding the eligibility for this part-time contribution. Employers will also consider your choice or your recommendation of a specific person. Then, arrange an interview to see this applicant.

3.Splitting the Schedule:

A job-sharing is based on dividing the work roles and tasks. This division can take two different aspects:

  • The island model: it means two employees are working part-time. One takes the morning session and the second complete until the afternoon.
  • The twin model: it means dividing the days; working three days per week
  • The model will be finally adopted depending on the Employer's views and the work situation.
  • Your choice will depend on the nature of the job and what preferences and skills you bring to it.

4. Have a Remote Eye on the Work Process:

have an eye on the work process

Since you will share your job, you will assume the total responsibilities of your partner’s mistakes because you are the experienced official employee. You should keep in touch with your job sharer, answer any inquiries, verify the results, and check all the tasks. Sharing your job doesn’t mean relying on an additional helping hand. Take a look at; Check Positive and Negative Sides of Remote Jobs

5. Be Cautious:

A job sharing operation might involve sharing an email account and many other contact details. Your sharer can respond on your behalf. This situation might bring many problems, especially when things go without your consent. For these reasons, you need to arrange with your job sharer the do and the don’ts and insist on having better and safer results. You may also read; Time to Understand the Cost of Workplace Incivility

6. Supervise your Job Sharer:

You can spend some time with your job sharer to see if he/ she masters the tasks and the roles the way you do. It is part of the job-sharing arrangements that you supervise the process so that everything will be alright during your absence. You can use some remote software programs, through which you can check the final work from your home.

7.Indicate the Job Sharing Period and the Type of Work:

indicate the nature of work and the model in the job sharing arrangement

A job sharing arrangement can be with two employees or between an employee and a volunteer one. When selecting a partner, you should specify the academic background and professional history of this candidate. You should also specify the model of sharing, be it an island or a twin model. Remember to set all the details in a written arrangement, in which your job sharer signs this agreement. The same document might also include the benefits that your partner might get through this sharing option. For example, if payment is included, it will be mentioned in the arrangement. Take a look at a fixed-term contract and How it is Different from a Permanent Contract?

That was all about the job sharing process in general. This option is provided in retail companies that are based on monotonous tasks that don’t depend on a specific person to get the job done. If you have shared your job with someone, let us know by commenting on your experience below.




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