Jobs You can Get with a Geology Degree and without Experience

posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin Graduates
Are you a fan of mining, discovering the earth's hidden treasures and its deep layers?? All these operations can be done through a geology degree. If you have some wonders about the different jobs that you can get through a geology degree, join Fratres and get hints about the updated professional offers.
A Geology Degree
Many myths were invented around this degree. Some people believe that it is totally similar to an environmental science degree. Others think that it is a useless degree that has poor professional promises. Before judging the industry, get some hints about this degree on Fratres and consider the available jobs there. In fact, there are many types in geology. Therefore, students in this major should choose a specialty, depending on the university or the institutes. Some of these universities require students to choose a branch from the first year. Among these specialties, there are :
- Mining Geology: take a look at What Does an Anthropologist Do?
- Petroleum Geology: this field includes perophysics and the fundamentals of geology.
- Environmental Geology: a combination of environmental sciences and geology.
- Paleontology: this major is concerned with the study of fossils and animals.
- Volcanology: as it tells from its name it is concerned with the science of detecting volcano and seismic explorations.
- Palantery Geology: It is concerned with studying terrains and the different shapes and ground reliefs to draw maps of different territories.
- Stratigraphy: take a look at Top 10 Career Ideas UK
Courses in geology include many disciplines such as earth science, mathematics, chemistry, and many other modules. This specialty can help graduates to decide which career path they can take in the future. Now after graduation, you should go for an internship or a training program to master the usage of geophysical tools. There is also another option for geology graduates, which consists of pursuing further studies or research. Breaking news! Geologists with a degree from the UK universities can internationally move and relocate to international companies. Now, let’s take a look at the different jobs after graduation:
Careers for Geology Graduates:
Graduates can be classified into field geologists and office geologists.
- Field geologists concern graduates, who operate in different fields such as water ground, mountains, forests etc…
- Office geologists concerns applicants who maintain clerk positions in geologist’s organizations and associations. They can also work in laboratories as well.
1.Teaching :
Teaching geology is open for geology graduates. Advanced teaching is also possible, if applicants have completed further studies.
2. Environmental Geologist:
Undergraduates who were specialized in environmental geology can get employment in environmental consultancies and agencies. Environmental geologists study the grounds dedicated for construction, water installation, roads with implementing green zones and forests, or protecting green zones from pollution.
3. Petroleum Geologists :
Graduates with this specialty work in laboratories and petroleum fields such as oil petroleum. They also work in labs.
4. Geotechnical Jobs: Geology Technician :
This job consists of using the tools and technologies of exploring and studying fields and ground structures.
5. Mining Engineers:
This job requires further studies to obtain an engineering certificate in mining. It also requires managing mining projects.
6. Survey Geologists:
The field is the most famous of all the office geologists jobs. Many graduates feel comfortable in conducting surveys related to geology and suggest procedures for mining or exploring projects.
7. Hydrologists:
This field consists of studying the distribution of water in a specific field, using tools and technologies.
8. Geophysicists:
Applicants are specialized in measuring the earth’s electric and magnetic properties to make possible the mineral and petroleum exploration.
9.Museum Jobs:
Geologist can get museum positions that include providing maps, rocks, displaying geological materials with the proper interpretation:
10. Content Writing
Scientific magazines that are specialized in geology are looking for geologists for academic writing and professional content.
Graduates who Want to Apply for The Petroleum Industry:
The petroleum industry is a dream for many students in geology. If you decide to work in this field, you have to undergo a specific training. Here are the different types of petroleum sector companies :
1- Petroleum Companies: These are companies that have exploration concessions in specific geographic areas, according to contracts with the association of Petroleum, in Arab countries, the majority or in foreign investment companies. Applying for these companies requires a certain number of years of experience. Positions that are in massive demand are
- Georegister
- Geophysicist
- Petrophysicist
- Petroleum Engineer
2- Mixed Companies : These are companies established in the stages of developing wells between national companies affiliated with the ministry and foreign investment companies .One of the most important functions of the geologists is to establish monitoring research in the different laboratories and compare the findings.
3- Service Companies : They are companies that implement certain services required by the owners or mixed companies (well recording services, construction services, drilling equipment, recording services, drilling fluids preparation services, data processing services ....etc . Service companies usually hire office geologists. These positions are also possible for applicants without experience. Take a look at How the Oil and Gas Industry Works
This was all about the geology degree and the different professional options there. Hope you find this article helpful in setting important future plans.