How to Make The Most of Your LinkedIn Profile

posted:3 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
In this era of social dependency, your LinkedIn Profile matters more than your CV. I'm not saying that your resume doesn't matter. I'm just saying that when it comes to getting a job, you need to make sure that every little thing related to your portfolio is well-designed. Many of us mention our Twitter, Instagram, and other handles. Since LinkedIn is a professional network, we also add it to our resume.
Adding profile of LinkedIn profile to your CV is one thing and getting a direct job from this platform is another. Either way, you should keep updating your portfolio. Here are five things you should do.
Create a Professional Headshot
Setting a selfie on your LinkedIn profile is a big mistake. You don't need to present yourself as a casual person. You are serious about getting a job, so take a better route to success. Hire a professional photographer and share your headshots. Look at other profiles on LinkedIn, and you will see how people dress up appropriately for their photos. Indeed, you will have to do the same thing. It might cost you a bit more, but this spending is worth it as you portray yourself as a professional.
Update Current Experience
If you are the kind of person who creates a profile and forgets about it, then it's time to change your approach. You can't become successful in your professional life or land a better job when your profile has year old experience.
Did you achieve something big recently? Do you have an experience that matters at the moment? Please tell the world what you have achieved; they are not going to interview you. LinkedIn is a social platform, so if you keep updating new skills, talent, and experience, you will probably link with recruiters and headhunters who need these trendy skills and talents.
Write a New Summary
Your summary is your introduction that shares your professional story and achievement. If you are not good at writing summaries and highlights, you better get help from a professional writer. He won't cost you much, but he will come up with an eye-catching story.Know How to Write a Personal Statement
Contribute to LinkedIn
Speak up for some current issues in your industry. Please tell me what you feel and what your viewpoints are regarding the latest trends. You may wonder why this contribution is required. Well, top organizations like people who are active on social media and share their viewpoints. It's because later they use this active medium for organizational growth once they hire you.
LinkedIn allows its user to write articles, share presentations and documents. The more you contribute, the better opportunity you will get.
Become an Active User
If you want to get attention from headhunters, then you need to stay active on LinkedIn. It means posting articles and updates about your recent career achievements. Another thing is to comment on other people's posts. It would be best if you connected with professionals from your field, which helps you get noticed.
Read: How to Find Saved Jobs on LinkedIn
Focus on Networking
Try to increase your network on LinkedIn, follow your colleague profile and their first or second connection. An expert recruiter can find one easy way to follow their network or their direct profiles. You can get their attention by sharing new posts and by commenting. Either way, the more you grow your network, the better your chances of getting a job. Follow like-minded people and your industry’s people. It won’t be hard to populate your professional network and then to get an advantage from it.
Wrap Up
LinkedIn is a vast professional platform, and you need to work on it. If you share a link to LinkedIn in your CV, please make sure that your profile looks professional and has key updates. It’s not that difficult to get attention from headhunters. You can send them cold emails to getting information about your latest job opportunity. An outdated profile won’t make any good impression, so refresh it timely and get the attention you always wanted.