8 Most Popular Agriculture Sectors Jobs in Nigeria

posted:2 years agobyMarry JoJoin Career Development
If you want to get a quick job in Nigeria, you should try your luck in the agriculture sector, which is growing at fast pace. Here are some most popular agricultural sectors jobs in Nigeria
Agric Technical Officer
As a technical officer, you need to be able to provide solutions for the rural communities. You need to find answers for agricultural production related problems.
An agric technical officer will investigate and analyze the following associated with agriculture productivity:
-soil characteristics and its relation with crop production;
-fertilizer requirements of different crops according to soil types;
-kinds of integrated crop management practices and their effects on production of various crops;
-effectiveness of certain pesticides in promoting productivity. The officer will use his/her knowledge in order to make recommendations that promote sustainable agricultural development.
The Technical Officer has many roles that include technical support to farm operators (in collaboration with other divisions in the Ministry), providing technical advice on agricultural research and development activities, farming extension services, and strategic planning on agricultural policy formulation.
A Technical Officer also has a role in preparing budgets for financing agricultural research projects; providing input into decisions about land use planning or land allocations; and assessing agro-ecological zones for farmland assessment.
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Graduate Sales Agronomist Officer
An agronomist is a graduate that specializes in the study of agricultural management, specializing in the growing of crops or the raising of animals. An agronomist typically has a degree in agriculture and may also have an associates degree or even just a high school diploma with courses in agriculture.
Agronomists must be able to communicate with growers and farmers to assess their needs, determine crop types that would work best for their fields, offer advice on plant protection methods, and recommend equipment studies to facilitate production. They usually do this through writing reports, conducting field visits, presenting findings, and hosting workshops and seminars. They may also provide technical assistance to farmers on things like animal husbandry.
An agronomist’s primary responsibility is to make sure farm land is profitable and sustainable
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Farm Administrative Assistant
Farm Administrative Assistants do what they are tasked with, assisting their boss and the farm. Farm Administrative Assistants are hired to provide administrative support to the farm and the boss. They need to be organized, hardworking and able to think on their feet. Farm Administrative Assistants should have patience in order to work in a long-term job where there is not much excitement. .Most agricultural businesses have a farm manager who runs the day-to-day operations of the farm. The job of the farm manager is to manage the people and resources on their team, such as field workers, salespeople and office staff.
Farm Supervisor
A farm supervisor is in charge of the day-to-day operations of a farm. They monitor and maintain the health and productivity of all livestock on the farm, make sure that farmers adhere to any government regulations, oversee the field operations and records, and are responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient resources for livestock.
This professional is also in charge of hiring new staff members when needed to help with additional tasks. They provide leadership to ensure that everyone has what they need to complete their daily tasks, as well as involvement in payroll administration.
The duties vary depending on the size of the operation. Larger farms require more supervision than smaller operations like a family business or hobby farm
Farm Operations Manager Jobs
Farm operations managers are responsible for planning and scheduling farm production, while also evaluating the economic viability of the farm.
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The job of a Farm Operations Manager is complex and challenging. Farmers are expected to be educators, researchers, legislators, marketers and managers. A strong understanding of the industry is essential to being well-versed in agricultural economics.
Agricultural engineers Jobs in Nigeria
They are responsible for applying the principles of engineering to agricultural processes. They study and improve the manufacture of implements such as plows, spreaders, and harvesters to minimize the force needed for the completion of a given task. Agricultural engineers also conduct research in fields like irrigation, soil testing, and farming methods for increased yield.
Agricultural Economist in Nigeria
Understanding the agricultural sector and how it works is something that a agricultural economist does. He or she also looks at the sustainability of the agricultural sector and its future challenges.
A person who will take on this role will need to be comfortable with numbers and stats but should also have excellent communication skills to share their findings with others who may not know about them.
Soil and plant scientists in Nigeria
They are professionals that study the different aspects of soil and plants. They also use their findings to help maintain a healthy environment.
The work of soil and plant scientist is multifaceted, so it requires a diverse skillset. The most important thing in their job is to study the different properties of soil like texture, temperature, water content and nutrients. They also research about the features of different plants with an emphasis on the qualities that make them better for certain purposes such as absorbing CO2 or producing oxygen.
One of the most common types of research done by Soil and plant scientists is environmental studies. When you think about this type of research it involves studying aspects related to climate change, global warming or industrial pollution in order to find solutions or ways to lessen its impact on the environment.